Setup a Raspberry Pi TOR proxy

This is not a real HOW TO, it’s a two-step guide for setting up a Raspberry PI (with a wifi usb adapter) in order to create an easy-to-use TOR proxy on a WiFi Access Point.
Two simple steps:

  1. Create a Wifi Access Point on your Raspberry following this guide:
  2. Install and configure TOR using this git repo:

So simple!


How to build cm13 on i9515 (Samsung s4 Value Edition) [UPDATED]

XDA user “sombree” has ported CM 13.0 on Samsung Galaxy S4 Value Edition (i9515)

In order to build a working rom you need to add a local manifest with the right device configuration and kernel

mkdir .repo/local_manifests
vim .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml

Edit the file and add the following XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="jfvelte-dev/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" />
  <project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" />
  <project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="jfvelte-dev/android_device_samsung_jfvelte" path="device/samsung/jfvelte" remote="github" />
  <project name="jfvelte-dev/android_device_samsung_jf-common" path="device/samsung/jf-common" remote="github" />
  <project name="jfvelte-dev/android_kernel_samsung_jf" path="kernel/samsung/jf" remote="github" />

Then do a simply

brunch jfvelte

Thanks to Sombree for the hints about roomservice.xml and for the porting, of course 🙂

Source: XDA Forum


A simple Android <-> Arduino Bluetooth project

This is a simple project that use a bluetooth channel in order to connect an Android application with an Arduino.
The aim of this sample is:

  • Learn how Bluetooth serial channel works
  • Learn how to configure a bluetooth device on Android
  • Send a string from Arduino to Android (in this example the value of light sensor)
  • Send a byte from Android to Arduino (in this example the LED ON-OFF status)

The Arduino schema is very simple



I’ve used an HC-06 bluetooth adapter, the cheapest (and slower) available on ebay. You can find the source code of the android application and Arduino Sketch file on my GITHUB repositories.

Now I’m ready to add bluetooth feature on my “HomeTemp” project.



Mission Accomplished

My first CyanogenMod new (little) feature is born. Today I’ve finished the “Development shortcut” project. It enables the wipe data and application force close option in the recent tasks list and in the notification area. These options will be available only if the Development mode is enabled.

device-2013-11-02-140109 device-2013-11-02-140037

The first version is only for Motorola defy mb525 and is available on my github repo. I do a pull request to Quarx2k in order to merge my mod in his “official” Motorola repo.

The next step is to merge it in the official CM dev branch and submit it to gerrit review. But the first CyanogenmMod 10.2 M build is coming (this weekend) with the code freeze phase. I have to be quick!